Wednesday, August 22, 2007

What could possibly go wrong...

1) boy that knows no fear

2) bike3) ramp

I received a call from my wife indicating that Brandon had scratched up his face in a bike accident. My wife put Brandon on the phone:

How did the accident happen Brandon? Were you trying to do a jump?
No Dad.
Well, what were you doing?
I rode my bike up a ramp.
What was at the top of the ramp?

Brandon had ridden up the ramp and done a reverse 270 landing on his face and shoulder in a neighbor's driveway.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

May I Come Out, Please

I took my son to buy a present for a party he is going to. My two-year old son, Daniel, went with us and pitched a fit when we left because he wanted to stay and look at the "Cars" toys. He was screaming his head off in the car. I told him if he didn't stop crying right now, he was going to his room when we got home. He immediately stopped crying. When we got home, I was busy talking to my wife and saw Daniel walking up the stairs. I turn to wrap the present when I hear Daniel from his room, "May I come out, please?" If only all of our children were so compliant.