Wednesday, August 22, 2007

What could possibly go wrong...

1) boy that knows no fear

2) bike3) ramp

I received a call from my wife indicating that Brandon had scratched up his face in a bike accident. My wife put Brandon on the phone:

How did the accident happen Brandon? Were you trying to do a jump?
No Dad.
Well, what were you doing?
I rode my bike up a ramp.
What was at the top of the ramp?

Brandon had ridden up the ramp and done a reverse 270 landing on his face and shoulder in a neighbor's driveway.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

May I Come Out, Please

I took my son to buy a present for a party he is going to. My two-year old son, Daniel, went with us and pitched a fit when we left because he wanted to stay and look at the "Cars" toys. He was screaming his head off in the car. I told him if he didn't stop crying right now, he was going to his room when we got home. He immediately stopped crying. When we got home, I was busy talking to my wife and saw Daniel walking up the stairs. I turn to wrap the present when I hear Daniel from his room, "May I come out, please?" If only all of our children were so compliant.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

4th of July

Our community has an annual 4th of July parade. The children love it because of the soldiers, police, firefighters, and candy. Yes, most of the community floats toss candy to the children as they pass. We have found a prime spot by my parents' old house that includes plenty of shade and is at the beginning of the parade route where the people on the floats are still tossing lots of candy!

Here is Daniel applauding the beginning of the parade.

The boys waving at the parade participants.
In the evening, a neighbor puts on a very impressive fire works show. Here are the boys in prime viewing position.

And here is one of the displays.

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Misery loves company

Daniel always seems so concerned about his brother's well being. Often, as here with James, when one of his brothers is put in time out, he will go and sit with him to keep him company.

Sunday, May 13, 2007


Brandon has been taking violin lessons. Last week he had his first recital. I was truly impressed by how well he plays. He really enjoys it which always makes it easier. The recital inspired James to request lessons also. We may wait a few years for him to mature a little.

Allison's first bath

Allison had her first bath and handled it very well.
and no matter how well a baby takes the first bath, they always seem relieved when it is over and they are wrapped in a warm towel.

Cars, Cars, Cars

Daniel is crazy about cars. He especially likes the cars from the Disney movie "Cars". It seems odd that each of our children has liked a different mode of transportation. Brandon was crazy about airplanes. James was crazy about trains.

Daniel's breakfast of choice

Daniel's room decorations

Home school substitue teacher

With the arrival of our new daughter I was able to help with some of the home school activities. We did not do a lot of standard lessons, treating the birth as our "Spring Break". We did continue our attendance at the enrichment center which offers classes that my wife and I do not feel qualified or have the resources to teach. On Monday I also was able to take the boys to a home school support group Easter Egg hunt. I know my involvement this week was essential the fluff, the easy activities. What I did notice was how rewarding home schooling is. We enjoy our children and enjoy watching them grow in so many ways. To be able to have this enjoyment in the school environment when they are learning so much is amazing. Additionally, the support systems that are available bringing like minded parents together to share and help each other make the experience that much more wonderful.

Here are some pictures of the Easter Egg Hunt

Catching up...

The next few posts are bringing everyone up to date on our activities and life.

Saturday, April 7, 2007


Allison Nicole Wills
Born April 6, 2007 at 2:38 P.M.
Weight: 8 lbs 9 oz
Length: 20 1/2 in

Mother and baby are doing well

Here are pictures of each of the boys with Allison:
Brandon age 8:
James age 6:
Daniel age 2:

Tuesday, April 3, 2007


We are blessed to have a loving older couple as neighbors. They are always available and willing to listen to the boy's stories. Helen always has the cookie jar well stocked... and the boys know it! For Daniel's first birthday, the neighbors gave him this cute stuffed puppy. All the boys like it and want it to be in their bed at night. Here is a picture of Daniel sleeping with the puppy watching over him.


Sometimes I feel sorry for any wildlife that dare venture close to our house. My two older boys love to catch any animal they can and keep it for a pet. In the past they have adopted lizards, frogs, tadpoles, chipmunk, stray dogs, and snakes. Today they caught a turtle they have named Snappy. One good thing about these encounters is we use them to study the animals, food, habitat, etc. One bad thing is they generally do not want to release the animals. Brandon usually does not handle this well but we try to let him know the best place for these animals is in the wild. Here is a photo of Snappy.

Spring growth

Several weeks ago there were a lot of posts showing spring blossoms. Being busy with painting I have not had the time to post these pictures. Here are some flowers, trees, and shrubs from around our house.


We have three boys and are expecting our first girl. We have also been in our house for over 8 years and have painted only one room. Apparently the nesting instinct is much stronger with female babies. In the prior two months we have painted 3 rooms in our house. Daniel's (2) room was like this

was transformed to this

The colors for this room and the new babies were choosen with the assistance of my wife's sister. The colors should last a long time. We have just added "Cars" decals that Daniel recieved for his second birthday. The new babies room (name a secret at this time) went from

to this

I wasn't sure how this would turn out but the two shades of pink work well togeter. While I was painting I kept saying to myself that if the doctor determined the gender incorrectly, she would have to help repaint the room blue. I don't think the doctor will agree to this!

I have also painted the children's bathroom. I am replacing the towel rod with a set of pegs that will allow all the children to hang their towels.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

The Creek

The two older boys enjoy exploring the creek behind our house. No matter what the weather they are always eager to explore. The boys in the neighborhood have explored the entire length of the creek and given names to the various features.

Brandon and James on a fallen tree.

James prepares to wade through a deep section

Brandon by "Mini Diagon Falls"

They occasionally see wildlife or signs of wildlife.
small fish in the creek

Paw print of animal

Distance apart

It seems I am never able to sit as close to my wife as I would like during mass. As I look at the distance between us, I see symbols of our love in our three little boys. I guess the distance isn't so bad after all.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Family Traditions

My wife and I both have very fond memories of family traditions, places the family always went or things we always did as a family. We have attempted to institute similar traditions with our family.
Friday night Pizza! - This is often done with extended family also, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins all make appearances.

Sunday morning bagels and muffins - After Mass, we go to a bagel shop for breakfast.

Christmas Eve traditions are many. One we have added for our children is s'mores with marshmallows toasted in the fire place.

Quite the critic

Daniel is 22 months old and one of his favorite words is "Again". When we finish a book he will call out "Again" time after time. He particularly loves when Cathy sings to him. He will call "Again", "Again", "Again" after each song. Tonight after dinner, Cathy had finished singing a song and he called "Again". I sang the song the next time. Rather than calling "Again", he just looked at me, climbed down from Cathy's lap and walked away! I guess we can't all have beautiful voices.